This was a one fine day with our friend Jasmine (Papa's goddaughter) . And since we've always been out during the weekends we thought of playing at home with all Kuya Basti's costumes ! Do not mind the messy room ......Maman will arranged them later...hhhrrrmmm we have arranged them after playing of course otherwise Maman will get crazy lol !
A month of not blogging well sorry we have a valid reasons for that! To recapitulate our last month escapade here are they !
1. We went to London and visited 2 good friends there for one week.
2. Hiking with 4 groups of families 13 kids present so it was really a blast.
3. Organized cleaning and maintaining of beach property owned by the office of our Papa. Free t-shirts, hats, gloves, appetizer, paella lunch and dessert ! With a lots of activities like poney riding, kite making, etc.
4. Wine tasting for our parents with friends in the morning. Later that afternoon picnicking at the owner of the vineyard who's been Papa's friend since his university days.
5. Visited Tati Makis and Tonton Alex in the Region of Alpes Maritime. Went at Chateau de Gourdon did pedalo and swimming.
Activities we did were amazing. We get to discovered many things, visit new places, meet new people and vice-versa. It's pretty tiring but we liked it anyway !